Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Launching Today:

Great concept from (founded by David Katz, who used to run Yahoo Sports): Sports Blog Tweets, which consolidates all the tweets from a huge list of good bloggers using Twitter. They did something similar for athletes: Athlete Tweets.

Most folks probably view Twitter through their own set-up (via Twitter) or maybe through Tweetie or TweetDeck -- obviously, this includes all of the folks whom you have opted into following. But I see the value of Sports Blog Tweets as a destination: Use it to keep track of the wider conversation or to scout for new quality folks to follow.

Twitter hit critical mass among sports bloggers, mainstream sports media, athletes and fans more generally about 6-8 weeks ago. If you're not on there, you should really check it out, as it is changing the sports-fan conversation and consumer experience dramatically, particularly during the day. (You are welcome to join me @danshanoff.)

-- D.S.

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