Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tebow at SEC Media Day: Teblog Coverage

I won't assault the non-Tebow/non-Florida/non-SEC fans with Tebow coverage here. There's a dedicated place for that, and if you're interested, I have done a half-dozen posts on SEC Media Day today, including:

*Tebow's virginity is the new LeBron being dunked on.

*Tebow on the (not real) "Tebow Backlash": "Oh, well."

*Tebow on the John 3:16 Google explosion as incentive to return.

*Tebow, much like you, not really caring which coach didn't vote him all-SEC.

*Best of the Tweets from his media session (EDSBS FTW)

More where that came from. Check out

-- D.S.

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