Thursday, October 26, 2006

Matt Leinart is a Baby-Daddy!

Congratulations to Matt Leinart and his... um... friend (what WOULD you call her?) Brynn Cameron on the birth of a son, Cole Cameron Leinart (6 lbs, 7 oz), who presumably already has a scholarship offer from USC.

I like the name "Cole," but -- as a recently minted expert in baby names -- I'm not sure that it works having the "L" sound end the first name and start the last name. But I'm quibbling on a otherwise happy day for Matt "Do-The-Right-Thing" Leinart and his new family. New fatherhood -- new parenthood, period -- is utterly amazing.

Let's hope that one of the key lessons that father will teach son is how to use contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancies. (Not that I'm suggesting that Cole was an unwanted pregnancy. I'm just sayin'...)


rafael said...

What is this...
You just cut and paste paragraphs from the main Quickie to divide into new topics?!?! Don't be a slacker Dan!

That being said, Congratulations to Leinart and healthy to mother and son.
I'm not a fan of the name 'Cole' in general. If he's the smelly kid in grade school, he'll be 'Slaw'. Gross.

Jen said...

Glad Matt's baby and mama are doing fine.
Not a big fan of the name "Cole" either.

MJL said...

I will forever associate the name Cole with Cole Trickle, and will always have the phrase "Stop the car, Cole!" etched into the back of my head.

And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

rafael said...

Silly Michigan fan! I wasn't really ragging on Dan. lol

Cole is definitely connected to Tom Cruise..which is just craziness. THat kid is F'ed.