Thursday, October 26, 2006

Uh, About That World Series Rain-Out...

OK, so I was wrong. Between me and the weatherpeople, that makes two of us. I'm just glad there's a game on...


pv845 said...

For the love of GOD, Wainwright throws that curve with 2 strikes in EVERY at bat. Did the Tigers not see Beltran strike out looking to end the NLCS?

WuzUpG said...

I was kind of hoping that they'd play 4 innings and would have to call the game, so that they'd have to start all over again. So much for that.

Anonymous said...

cardinals winning...

Luckiest. Crap. Ever.

seriously 4 errors by pitchers, granderson falling, monroe misses the catch by 2 inches, eck scoring bc he advanced on strike 3 wild pitch

lets go back farther it took 7 games to down the mets with pedro, el duque, and eventually their 3rd pitcher trachsel out

what about almost missin the playoffs until they clinched on the last day because houston lost

this is incredible

john (east lansing, mi) said...

I would be remiss if I neglected to commend the St. Louis grounds crew on a job well done.

Anonymous said...

a 3-1 lead isn't luck.

And Lane Stadium is ridiculously overrated. GT kinda proved that.

Clemson just didn't show up. They are coached by a Bowden, after all.