Sunday, September 24, 2006

NFL Week 3 Tailgate!

(ND? OMG!) It's NFL Week 3! That was awesome work yesterday with the CFB comments. Use the comments section on this post to make your pre-game, mid-game and post-game analysis throughout the NFL Week 3 schedule today. Tons of CFB and NFL from me tomorrow a.m.!


rafael said...

Pittsburgh 20
Cincy 17

Unknown said...

gmen - definately Bulger and Grossman. I wouldn't go near Big Ben until he shows that he is even close to where he was last year.

The heroin sheik said...

wow you get tow qb's in your league. I thought I was evil when i let my guys have four wr, three rb's and three defensive specialists. Never thought of going with two qb's. Fuck Ben. Rex is gonna be huge today and bulger has got to be better than ben at least for this week. Just curious but did anyone see the injury report for the indy jax game. If I counted right just under half of indy's team is on the list as questionable. If they are really that banged up I don't see how jax can do anything other than beat them senseless today.

MoL said...

In my limited experience (and bias as a Browns fan) of Fantasy Football, Big Ben doesn't do much. Sure he wins games, but his numbers are not all that impressive. He benefits from those around him. I take Bulger and Grossman (and many others) ahead of him any day.

Travis said...

New England will win vs Denver today 34-10.

The heroin sheik said...

I was wondering what you guys think of this. I was talking with some friends last night about gator players in the NFL. The names Noah Brindise and brian schottenheimer came up. I have no clue what brindise is up to but I knew that brian was the jets off coor. Since he learned all about playcalling from spurrier do you think this will hinder him in the nfl since the offense he might know the best clearly sucks when you are playing nfl caliber talent. Granted his dad has led like what three teams to the playoffs so maybe his dad will have rubbed off on him some. What do you guys think?

Kevin said...

This week will be the highlight of the Raiders' season...

Christian Thoma said...

It took 59 seconds for the Jon Gruden Face to kick on. Not good for Tampa.

The heroin sheik said...

Simms sucks ass I hate the bucs. Another miserable sunday.

Christian Thoma said...

75-yard TD for Favre. Cmon, Gamebreak, show it to me!

Panthers are driving as the Bucs seem to have a tackling (or lack thereof) problem.

The heroin sheik said...

Has there ever been a player more in need of a seperated non throwing shoulder than Chris Simms. I honestly think they could put my fat 225 pound ass out there and I wouldn't do much worse.

Christian Thoma said...

I hope everyone bet the Over in the Packers-Lions game.

Marcus T said...

Cincy, your D can not tackle! Willie Parker has thrown about 5 successful stiff-arms, I haven't seen anything like that outside of Madden.

Christian Thoma said...

Carolina's looking to pull an MSU at this point.

Packers up by 10!

TJ said...

Wow--at halt-time the Jags were destroying the Colts 7-7. If the Colts get out of this thing with a win, they should be thrilled. Can't believe they're winning.

Christian Thoma said...

Shouldn't the team at least be winning before we use the term 'destroying'? Moral victories don't go in the W column in the NFL.

Anonymous said...

NC State beating Boston College in the last 40 seconds of the game was an amazing comeback as well overshadowed by ND-Mich St.
Rutgers is ranked for first time since '76! Wow.
And my Syracuse Orange blew out Miami of Ohio. Could they be back to respectability?

ACC thought they destroyed the Big East by taking the top 3 football schools at the expense of basketball. Now the Be is 4-2 against ACC this year and has 2 teams in the top 10; ACC has none.

Sheldiz said...

its kind of nice to see the redskins putting up what appears to be an offense.... but they ARE playing the texans, so....

looking forward to the ravens game at 4. ravens don't have the best track record in cleveland, but i'm optomistic.

Christian Thoma said...

Something's up with Simms! Looks like he cramped up in the weather.

Christian Thoma said...
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Christian Thoma said...

Wow, Panthers pulled it out of their ass! Nice to see the Packers giving Detroit hope by fumbling. Idiots.

rafael said...

Good win for Cincy...but man, that was an ugly ugly game. Both teams are far better than they showed today, imo.!? If you're going to throw 4 TDs..they need to go to Chad Johnson and Rudi Johnson..those other two AREN'T on my fantasy team!!

The heroin sheik said...

I can't believe the bucs threw this game away. After all that hard work they wind up airing it out on 3rd and 5 when all they needed to ice the game was five yrds. What the hell was gruden thinking? Who do you think we will take with out first pick in the draft next yr?

Unknown said...

holy route batman - apparently nobody told the Giants that their game was at 415 today

Matt Hooper Presents said...
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Matt Hooper Presents said...

Mark Brunell apparently set the NFL record for most consecutively completed passes in a single game with 22. Those were his first 22 pass attempts. The Skins scored 31 points. The second and third horsemen are saddling up.

Christian Thoma said...

A preview of Dan's thoughts regarding Brett Favre's performance:

How can make it sound like Brett sucked? He had no INTs and no sacks...
...I guess I can point out that it was against Detroit...
...but Favre always does horribly in Detroit, even when the team was winning there... about I just dismiss it as a one-week wonder sort of the thing (I'll ignore he played well last week and hope no one catches on)...yeah, I think it'll work...I'll even add a 'We'll see what happens when the Philly defense gets a shot at him' comment...perfect. Best. Waffle. Ever.

Jen said...

Not going to do my victory cheer yet, but the Fudgies are beating the Ravens 14-9 in the 4th qtr. First TD's given up by the Raven's D this season.

Braylon Edwards looks great today, and K2 got a well-served unsportsman-like conduct call on him...what a tool.

WuzUpG said...

Don't believe the hype, the 49ers are as bad as they were tagged to be.

You know its bad when a 292-lb. returns a fumble for 98 yards. And, your 1st round pick and starting RB gets injured.

Might as well stick a fork in them and the SF Giants and turn them over because they are done.

Did someone say San Jose Sharks in the Bay Area?

Jen said...

Did I speak too soon!? INT in the end zone with just under 4 minutes to go...14-12 and the Fudgies were looking to lock it up with another TD.

I can't watch...

Sheldiz said...

the ravens are f-cking killing me right now....

Jen said...

Matt Stover hits a 52-yard FG with 24 seconds left...

Sheldiz said...

that was not the prettiest win ever... but we'll take it. go ravens :)

Jen said...

Son of bitch, I need to move to a new town!!

Oh, sorry, I shouldn't talk like that...I'm a lady.

thistlewarrior said...

Happy for the Bengal victory, but damn they looked bad. Then again, so did Pittsburgh.

Does Eli have to have a crappy first half every game just so he can look good second half? Geez!

MoL said...


I suffered through both the MSU game and the Brownies this weekend. Looks like I picked the wrong weekend to quit drinking.

rafael said...

no way, meta. if those are your two teams, you chose them just to get to drink more!

Christian Thoma said...

Jake Plummer has so far kept the 'Put in Cutler' shouts to a minimum. That was a sweet touch on the TD pass.

Matt Hooper Presents said... one has mentioned Chris Simms ruptured spleen yet. I love to hate Phil's seedling as much as anyone, but you've got to admit, playing through a busted spleen in that Tampa heat and humidity is pretty gusty.

Jen said...

meta~ You definitely can't quit drinking while you are cheering on the Fudgies (unless it's necessary of course). On the other hand, you are truly showing your strength by not drinking while being a Browns fan!! Kudos! More power to you.

Thank goodness the Buckeyes are pulling out the victories.