Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Reading Event Reminder: Tomorrow!

As seen on Deadspin...

NYC-area readers: Don't forget that tomorrow night is my monthly sports reading series, featuring Will Leitch from Deadspin, the editors of ESPN the Magazine and award-winning sportswriter Tom Callahan.

It'll be at Happy Ending (302 Broome on the Lower East Side). It starts at 8 (doors open at 7:30, and you might even want to show up a little earlier) and is free. Even if you can't make it, feel free to pass along to any NYC-based friends. See you there!

-- D.S.


Brian in Oxford said...

Dan, how far a walk from Grand Central is that?

Dan Shanoff said...

Walk? A ton. You need to hop the 4/5/6 all the way downtown to the Lower East Side. The closest subway stop is the F at Delancey.

rafael said...

I really wish that damn horse had just died.

Cruel..i know..but true.

Worldwide Reader said...

Ehh. Sounds really cool, but, um - Mets are on at 4 and the Yanks are on at 8 ...

Brian in Oxford said...

Damn, that looks like two and a half miles....guess I'd better learn the subway in NYC.

rafael said...


I would make the trip to NYC just for that sight.

Still, if you have one around New Year's...I'm visiting from Virginia.

Big D said...

Define "Fancy Dress"

Since the fanciest thing I own is non ripped jeans. Would I have to go shopping for this little shindig?

Yes, I graduated from college three and a half years ago. So what?

Big D said...

Damnit fake Dan Shanoff - stop giving us bogus information. I almost went out and bought a real pair of pants and a tie.


Badass Of The Year said...

Even if I could run as fast as Jose Reyes, I still don't think I could make it there from Shea in time. Maybe next month. Have fun, go Mets!