Thursday, March 08, 2007

Thursday 03/08 Quickie:
Big Boys Take Over Champ Week

Championship Week gets nasty: OK, NOW we're ready to hit it today, as I shake out the cobwebs from last night's sports-blogger reading event...

Big East: G'town vs. Nova, ND vs. Cuse. (Of course, with wins yesterday, Nova and Cuse are as good as locks. Damn: Nova's Scottie Reynolds is good.) Plus: Did West Virginia go from "Bubble Iffy" to "Bubble In" with their win over NIT-quality Providence?

(By the way: Was there any bigger tempest-in-a-teacup than the new Nike spandex-style uniforms, which Syracuse showcased? In reality, the jerseys weren't nearly as tight-fitting as the released design photos seemed to indicate. Are they ugly? I actually like them. I finally get it: It's the "UnderArmour/Nike Dri-Fit" Effect on top – for performance -- with extra-baggy shorts on the bottom -- for fashion. It actually makes sense, and the players seem to like it. That should be enough for fans. 'Cuse fans are forgiven if they suspend judgment until they see how far the team gets in them.)

Meanwhile, the New York Times' March Madness blog, The Bracket, kicked it into overdrive yesterday for the start of the Big East Tournament. I counted 13 posts throughout yesterday alone. Pete Thamel and Co. are bringing it. Must-read for Big East coverage.

ACC: Clemson (MUST win!) vs. FSU; Maryland (Seeding implications!) vs. Miami; Duke (no Henderson!) vs. NC St; GA Tech (lock with a win) vs. Wake.

Big Ten: Illinois (MUST win!) vs. Penn State; Michigan State (seeding implications) vs. Northwestern(!); Michigan vs. Minnesota (Mich is in, but a loss to Minny would actually put them OUT, IMHO).

Looking for the best blogging about Big Ten Hoops -- or any college hoops for that matter? You've got to add Big Ten Wonk to your daily routine, now more than ever!

Big 12: Quarters on Friday will be a little bit more crazy, but Texas Tech and Oklahoma State don't just need to win today, but a COUPLE of wins this week.

SEC: Tourney locks Kentucky and Tennessee are playing for NCAA seedings. Bama and Arkansas are both in the NIT right now, needing more than a win tomorrow to get at-large traction. And could LSU play the ultimate spoiler?

Mid-major Mania: Weber State is IN. So is Central Connecticut. Woo! Pencil both in for first-round losses. I don't care who they're playing. (Eh: Famous last words...)

My favorite Tournament-related Web site of the day: NIT-ology, a Bracketology for the NIT. Before you mock it, consider what you would have said about Joe Lunardi 10 years ago -- or Mel Kiper 20 years ago. (H/T: Deadspin via Georgia Sports Blog)

(OK, there's a new contender: This group has put together a bracket to determine the best music album of the 90s. If you're a music fan, it's worth your time. There is nothing like the annual batch of March mash-ups between Tournament-style brackets and everything else people like caring about.)

Is Kevin Durant sticking around for his sophomore season? Hey, I'd love to see what he and his UT frosh classmates can do with another year of experience (um, national title?), but I agree with MJD over at Fanhouse: Wait until after the season ends for his decision-making process to change. (But hell, this year, he's No. 2 in the draft, short of Oden returning to school, too; if he stays until next year, he's the overwhelming No. 1. What happens if this kid is National Player of the Year as a freshman – as he should be – and comes back as a soph?!) See my post below on the NBA Draft for a follow-up on this Longhorns situation.

NFL Moves: Jamal Lewis to the Browns. Wait, how does that impact the presumption that Cleveland was hot to draft Adrian Peterson? Does that mean they could actually be thinking – gasp – about Brady Quinn at the No. 3 spot? (Whatchutalkinbout: Are the Ravens looking to replace Lewis with Willis McGahee?)

NFL Draft: The Florida Gators held their Pro Day, and early-entry DB Reggie "Effing" Nelson (no, seriously, that's the complimentary way Gator Nation refers to him, to pay appropriate homage to his eye-popping skills) might have vaulted himself up the draft rankings, running a 40 somewhere in the 4.3-something range. I'm obviously biased, but Nelson is the best defensive player I have ever seen in college football. He is going to make some team look VERY smart.

NBA: Kobe suspended (again). I don't get it. If Kobe's hitting a player in the face was suspension-worthy, why wasn't he hit harder because it was his second infraction in a month? If this was, say, Ron Artest (or even a player with no track record, but without Kobe's star power), they would have been suspended for multiple games.

Meanwhile: You've read my Arenas-as-Obama. Now, here's FreeDarko's take on Kobe-as-Obama.

NBA: Lindsay Hunter suspended 10 games for testing positive for a banned substance. It should make him the butt of countless hilarity that he was busted for taking diet pills. (Was he in it for the Dexatrim high? Or in it to get rid of those unwanted pounds?)

MLB Spring: Pedro is on the road to rehab, and – speaking of rehab – Sammy Sosa hit his second HR of the spring. Prediction: With an unlikely dinger binge, he'll reclaim his role as a fan favorite. Meanwhile, safari-goer David Wells is a latter day Teddy Roosevelt.

MLB: My new favorite baseball team president is Matt Silverman of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, who won the auction by that Armchair GM blogger (to benefit Pediatric AIDS Research) to blog about the auction winner's team all season long. And Silverman won. And not just $535 to win the auction, but he put in another $1,000 to add to the charity. What a stand-up guy. Manny Stiles owes that guy the best freaking blog ever.

Move over Gilbert Arenas: Curt Schilling realizes that there's a lot of amazing pub to be claimed by starting a blog -- and, more importantly, speaking frankly through it. I've taken my shots at Schilling over the years as a media-whoring know-it-all, but I tip my cap to him for his entry into blogging, If he really gets into it, it will be a watershed moment for baseball coverage.

NBA Draft: I'm an Draft junkie, so I was excited to see the appearance of Chad Ford's annual Lottery simulator. A few thoughts:

(1) Oden goes No. 1. Oden goes No. 1. Oden goes No. 1. Just stop talking about Durant at No. 1. It's simply not going to happen. (That is, if he even comes out.)

(2) I wonder if it will affect Spencer Hawes, Thaddeus Young and DJ Augustin's decision-making process to know that Ford has them both as lottery locks. (UNC's Brendan Wright was a no-brainer from the day he stepped on campus earlier this fall.) I sure as heck would come out, particularly if I was 5-foot-10, like Augustin, in a year weak on PGs. Young seems like an early-entry no-brainer, given that he would have been a first-rounder if he had been able to come out LAST year.

(3) Am I the only one who watches Josh McRoberts play and thinks "He's the new Brendan Haywood?" I've never seen a player with the reputation of having such imposing physical skills be so utterly unable to take over a game -- particularly for a big man. I appreciate the criticism of Hansbrough that his game won't translate at all to the NBA, but at least that guy has heart and makes plays. McRoberts? Zzz...

(4) The Gators frontcourt all goes in the Lottery. Last year was a bonus: If this group doesn't win the national title this year, it will be an underachievement of superlative magnitude.

(5) Big men rule. Why is this draft so highly anticipated? Partly due to a one-year blip from the new draft age-limit rules and partly due to the number of 2006 Lottery-worthy college players who stuck around for another year, it is the deepest group of forwards and centers I can ever remember.

Marion Jones gets married: Is it true that, in lieu of rice, wedding guests threw pills?

Finally, HUGE thanks to everyone who came out last night to the Varsity Letters Reading Series event. (The Commenters were well-represented, led by Brian from Oxford, trekking in from Connecticut.) The lineup was even better than anticipated, with a wide range of contributions, styles and angles. The biggest rock stars of the night were definitely the guys from The Dugout, who flew in from the Hinterlands to participate. Thanks to Gelf's Carl Bialik for setting up such a great night. (Ahh: The inevitable Flickr stream...)

-- D.S.


Matt T said...

You neglected to mention UGA in the SEC bubble teams. IF they win tonight against Auburn, they get Florida. A win there could put them in.

If not, looks like i'll be back looking at the NIT bracketology again, but for how far the program fell after Harrick, this season is a success

TJ said...

Dan, I read the other day that UF has actually already worn the new unis--at Tennessee. I remember thinking they were ugly at the time. The darkish blue and the orange... just didnt look good, but no, they're not nearly as tight as indicated in those concept shots.

(Note: for some reason, the "video highlights" on ESPN's page for that game is the entire broadcast. Which I don't particularly want to ever watch again, but if you hate the Gators...)

Anonymous said...

I think you underestimate the fans if you think Sammy Sosa will regain popularity just by hitting a few homeruns.

I don't mind the new jerseys, but did the shorts really need to be bigger, longer, and baggier?? That was necessary? If the players want free leg movment, wear spandex or skirts.

I don't think Michigan is in right now. It's a soft team, and anyone who has watched them play would not see them as worthy. Their only 'quality' win is at home vs Michigan State.

It's almost baseball season...I can feel my annual fountain of confidence returning about the Reds chances at the post season. 50 homers for Griffey!!

CMFost said...

Dan what about the reports out the that Brady might be the father for 2 women that are pregnant. According to the news today Gisele is pregnant with Tom's child.

CMFost said...

I heard this morning that not only is UCONN not going to the NCAA's but they might not even make it to the NIT. Boy have the mighty fallen.

Patriots64 said...

The Brady Bunch for real!

Anyone see that O.J. claims to be the father of Anna Nicole's baby?

Sammy Sosa is a sleeper in all fantasy drafts!!

RevScottDeMangeMD said...


Yes, the might have fallen. But when you look at the roster you see 8 freshmen and 5 sophomores. Next year, UConn is going to be amazing.

jhawkjjm said...

Texas Tech should be in with a win today. They've beaten A&M twice and KU. 3 wins against top 10 teams isn't too shabby. Plus its Bobby Knight.

Mega said...

Yes, my boy Brian in Oxford got a shoutout. I am curious to hear if the commenters got Shanoff so drunk that he had a "Frank the Tank" moment.

Sosa, regaining popularity? Please...maybe with the Cubs fans (all of them) who claim they "never liked him in the first place".

I am one of the few people that like following the NIT as well as the March Madness tournament, probably because many of the mid-majors I follow will be in it. Retribution versus the "big boys" that go in the NIT with their heads hanging low.

Speaking of which, CMFost- UConn not even in the NIT? That is something. UConn is one of those teams that I have absolutely no affiliation with, yet I find myself rooting for them, even before they started winning national titles.

ToddTheJackass said...

The elbow from Kobe only warranted a one-game suspension. If he does it a THIRD time, then the penalty could increase. But for the action itself, I think one game was about right. And I'm a Kobe hater.

McRoberts does suck... well against everyone except BC, who he just dunks all over and owns. Still, people were expecting he'd have a dominant year and become an early lottery pick, but that clearly won't happen right now.

Brendan Haywood also played with Vince Carter and Antawn Jamison at UNC, so in all fairness, it'd have been really hard for him to have stood out on that team (how the hell did that team not win a National Championship?)

CMFost said...

Anyone else think BC will be NIT bound if they lose there first game in the ACC tourney?

Unknown said...

YO, my boss is not a fan of the new Unis at 'Cuse. He doesn't like that they say Orange on the front intead of syracuse. I think he's kinda old school.

I'd have to agree with you though, Dan. I was pleasantly surprised to see they really weren't as tight as expected. Shorts still look too baggy though.

Kirk said...

The Browns signed J. Lewis to a one year deal. My guess is that they are still going to take Adrian Peterson and see if he is healthy. Just like the bears with C Benson and T. Jones.

Patriots64 said...

Is Reuben Droughns still in Cleveland? I can see them taking Brady Quinn or Jamarcus Russell if he still there when they pick.

Trey (formerly TF) said...

Doesn't it seem like tehre are 10,000 teams in this year? I have a feeling a Big East team (WVU or Cuse) or a ACC team (BC or GT) is going to be doing some serious bitching on Sunday night when Drexel gets the nod over them.

Joe (Dayton)

Unknown said...

I have to agree with Rafael and disagree with Dan about the Wolverines. I don't think they are in without a win over Minnesota and even then I think there's no guarantees for the Blue.
But I agree with Dan and disagree with Rafael about Sammy Sosa. Chicks and everyone else digs the long ball and Sosa's never been as tainted as Bonds, who wasn't well liked before steroids became the reason why.

ToddTheJackass said...

BC is a lock, but their seeding has really gotten iffy. Right now I have them at about a 9 seed.

If they were playing today, they'd be a little less certain, but seeing as how they got a bye on the first day of the ACC tourney as a 4 seed, I can't imagine the committee would slight them. They also beat FSU twice, and the Providence and Vermont losses don't look nearly as bad as they could've.

Boomhauertjs said...

Nothing on LeBron and the Cavs gritting out a tough win in Detroit (in which the Pistons took a D-Wade like 29 free throws in the 1st half!!)? The King looks like he's putting on his Superman cape for the stretch run.

BobbyStompy said...

I'm obviously biased, but Nelson is the best defensive player I have ever seen in college football. He is going to make some team look VERY smart.

I seriously can't believe that just happened.

Brian in Oxford said...

At least one team from Connecticut is going to the big dance. And wow, it was almost Sacred Heart (located a half mile from my ex-dive condo in Bridgeport). CCSU had better teams about 5 years ago, but got stuck as low seeds in bad matchups (Iowa State at the Homerdome in nearby Minny, then Pittsburgh IN Pitt...the faux non-home court...)

It would take away from the selection process if the committee released "teams we've already got in" day by day....and then it would freak out the teams that apparently had work left to do, though.

kway34 said...

I'm obviously biased, but Nelson is the best defensive player I have ever seen in college football.

It's amazing how much credibility you can lose on a topic with just one sentence.

ToddTheJackass said...

I hope Dan meant, "seen in person". Because then that could be understandable, otherwise it's a Dan. Instant. History. Shrugoff comment.

CMFost said...

Ok, Let me put it this way if BC lost it's first game I would not be surprised if they where in the NIT and not the NCAA's considering they would not have 20 wins and the other ACC Team that are consider in have 20 plus wins

kway34 said...

Both good points todd. If the first is true I cheerfully withdraw my previous comment.

Big D said...

Agree with you that Reggie Nelson is a good player. Not the best I've ever seen (not even close), but pretty damned good.

Plus, he's got the versatility on special teams, and some impressive instincts for the game. Of course, the same could be said about Pac-Man Jones...

I've been saying for awhile now that I'd like to see the Pats move up in he draft a few spots with a package of picks (they've got 2 first rounders but no second round pick) to a team like Houston that has a lot of needs to fill-in and grab Nelson somewhere in the middle of the first round.

Nelson would probably need to be "coached up" a little to fit in, but with the coaches in New England, and veterans like Rodney Harrison and Eugene Wilson showing him the ropes, I think he'd become an impact player pretty fast.

Also... please don't give me a heart attack and even mention that Durant may be contemplating staying in school. I'm a Celtics' fan - I need something to look forward to. And Joakim Noah just ain't gonna cut it.

And it's finally happened - my office has officially blocked both YouTube and Flickr. The day they ban this site or DeadSpin, I'll resign.

SF said...


I am Michigan alum, and i do not believe we are in, or deserve to be -- i'd love to hear how you figure we are in???!!!!

Unknown said...

About TWWL's draft simulator, I've had Durant go number one before... there are certain teams who /think/ they need a scorer/playmaker like Durant more than they need a big man like Oden.

In fact, I just hit it like, 6 times, and I got the following:
1)Bucks - Durant
2)Grizz - Oden
3)Hawks - Noah
4)Celtics - Hawes

Aside from the fact that that would be a disaster of epic proportions for Boston, you've got Durant going ahead of Oden (I guess because they already have Bogut?) Not sure I agree with anyone taking Durant over Oden though -- scorers/playmakers are a dime-a-dozen in the draft, but dominant defensive big men like Oden are once-in-a-generation type talents.

CMFost said...

Tyler if Boston does not get the #1 or #2 pick I can almost guarantee they will trade it to get some vetern help. With the growth of Jefferson and a solid Paul Pierce, a vetern or 2 could make this team contenders in the east

ToddTheJackass said...

What's so hard in the Oden v. Durant debate is that it's hard to know if we've really seen all of what Oden can do. We all know what Durant can do (runaway POY), but with Oden's dominant hand injured for most of the year, it's hard to know just how good he really will be.

But for a team needing some instant offense (Memphis), I could definitely understand them at least contemplating Durant, since he'll give more instant gratification. The Celtics need a defensive presence, and Oden would make more sense for them if they get the #1 pick.

That being said, I think there's a significant dropoff between Oden and Durant to Noah. The first two to me are as close to locks as you can get to superstars, but Noah could misfire in the NBA. Not thinking he'll be a bust, but there's clearly not the upside or the skillset in him that there is in the other two.

ToddTheJackass said...

The danger for BC isn't if they lose to Maryland tomorrow, it'd be if they lose to Miami tomorrow. It'd be awfully hard for the committee to hold a loss against a streaking Maryland against them, though a loss against Miami would look very bad.

But if they got blown out by Maryland (a possibility), we'd have to hold our breaths a little bit. I still think we're in though.

Brian in Oxford said...

On the bright side, if the Celtics pick 4th, AND Oden/Durant both stay in school, the Celtics will probably suck ass another year and may get the prize another year later.

steved104 said...

hey - why no pac-10 love in the tourney review area? ucla-cal, usc-stanford not good enough for you?! there are conferences on the west coast you know, dan.

Anonymous said...

I don't dig the longball. I've always been a smallball baseball fan. Baseball is too complex a game to settle for mere home runs.

Besides, fans get their homeruns from Pujols..Howard..etc.
Sosa is tainted. Sosa is old. He won't regain popularity nationally.

ToddTheJackass said...

There are conferences on the West Coast (and UCLA is awesome), but when Farmar left, I think part of the West Coast died to Dan.

Also there's a ridiculous non-presence of West Coasters on the blog.

I think everyone also just assumes that UCLA would run away with it, and really Stanford is the only bubble team (not looking good with a 56 RPI). The Wazzou coach deserves some love for Coach of the Year, what's his name?

Brian in Oxford said...

Probably the lack of left-coasters has to do with the fact that they don't need an AM Quickie to bring them up to date. They could have a PM Quickie at 10:30 pm, since all the games are done by the time THEY go to bed.

Natsfan74 said...

For what it's worth, Stanford is the only team to win at Virginia this year. The distinguished list of losers includes Arizona (blew a 12 point lead in final 10), Gonzaga (beat by 25), and Duke.

Sosa will regain popularity if he plays well. He has the type of personality that people are drawn to when he is doing well, and really I think people have a short memory for hatred. Fans would forgive Bonds if it weren't thrown back into their face every other day.

Nelson is the best defensive player to ever play at Florida in 2006. Beyond that, I could, in the spirit of Steve Martin, name 20 something betters.

Finally, I wouldn't be surprised at all to see both Durant and Oden return. Durant has already said that he is glad he went to college and didn't jump right away. Oden has said some very similar things (talking about how much he has learned and about getting the chance to rehabilitate his wrist). Plus, Oden is at OSU with his best friend and HS teammate. Depending on how they do in the tourney this year, they might want a chance to add an NCAA Title to their 3 HS titles. But -- I guess it all depends on how they do this March. If OSU wins it all, Oden has nothing left to play for in college. If Durant wins POY or makes an Elite 8 run, he's gone. An early exit might prompt a return for a do-over.

MP said...

Repeat after me, Dan:

"Michigan is not NCAA Tournament-worthy."

"Michigan is not NCAA Tournament-worthy."

"Michigan is not NCAA Tournament-worthy."

"Michigan is not NCAA Tournament-worthy."

And yes, I AM a Michigan fan.

Kevin said...

Does anyone else dread that their NBA team might get the 3rd or 4th pick that they'd use on Noah, and you'd be stuck rooting for Noah after Dan has turned you into always rooting against Florida, particularly Noah? I keep getting the willies thinking about that.

CMFost said...

There is a good story on Cold Hard football facts about the 20 year old kid who got Ron Borges suspended.

check it out

CMFost said...

Kevin I do, that is why i am pretty sure if the Celtics do not have one of the top 2 picks or if they do and Durant and Oden stay in school that they will trade the pick.

Shums said...

Just to show a little Left-Side presence in the commenters...

No love for the tweener conferences like my Mountain West? We do have two ranked teams, at least (BYU and UNLV), and are going to get three teams in the Dance (better than any other non-BCS conference). And don't dismiss Weber State, either -- they have a history of pulling first-round upsets (UNC in '03).

Shums said...

Didn't see your comment, Jason. Thanks for the MWC shout-out.

CMFost said...

This is off topic but I think I need to find a new place to get coffee.

and here is the reason

And no it is not something disgusting more comical.

ToddTheJackass said...

I guess it should say something about my knowledge of the Pac-10, that when I played the Draft Lottery simulater, and saw the Celtics getting Spencer Hawes, I thought, who the hell is that? Although it is scary that he could go 4th, and his NBA comparison is Brad Miller... yeah, it's a long drop after 1 and 2.

Yeah, definitely too much Rachael Ray overkill. My girlfriend and I used to watch 30 minute meals and $40 a day, but now I really can't stand her. Definitely a case of too much exposure.

La Rev said...

Auto loss for Weber State? Don't tell that to Harold Arceneaux!

Anonymous said...

Think you really have to look at BC as a bubble team at this point. A loss Friday puts them below .500 without Williams in the lineup. Sure, 10 ACC wins, but losing to UNC and Duke at home does not look good on the resume. A BC loss coupled with a Georgia Tech win or two and that could mean NIT for the Eagles.

How about WVU's shooting against my Friars? Absolutely lights out to the point it didn't look like Providence had any sort of clue how to stop them. 1-8 in the Big East tourney under Welsh. Think that spells the end for him (finally)?

Roge said...

Wow... the Bills trade McGahee for 2 3rd rounders and a 7th rounder? Seems like a weird trade to me for Buffalo.

ToddTheJackass said...

Lunardi's got BC as a 7 seed. I really can't see 1 loss going from a 7 seed to an out. The post-Sean Williams thing is something, but they've still beaten V-Tech since then, two against FSU, and against Clemson. Losses against Duke and UNC aren't bad at all, considering their RPI.

Also, if you take out the Sean Williams factor, you have to take out the loss to Duquense which was without Dudley.

Still, even as a loyal BC supporter, I wouldn't put us anywhere past the first round the way we're playing.

RevScottDeMangeMD said...

One is "easily an at large" while the other is "50-50"

Team A: RPI of 32, SOS of 86, 3-2 vs. top 50, 11-5 vs. top 100, 7-6 road record.

Team B: RPI of 33, SOS of 117, 6-3 vs. top 50, 9-4 vs. top 100, 5-6 road record.

One would think that Team A would be the "easily at large" team while Team B would be the "50-50" team, right? Wrong. Team A is Xavier and Team B is Notre Dame.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

The only time I ever watch The Food Network is when Giada De Laurentiis is on. Rachel Ray looks like she has been eating to much of the stuff she cooks plus her voice is really annoying.

Brian in Oxford said...

Rachael Ray is pretty evil. And the weird thing is, she only got that spot there because Food TV dropped Martha Stewart after the Worldcom thing.

Hey, will Nova score today? And man, Patrick Ewing is fat!

Sheldiz said...

starting out this game 14 to 0 was not the way i had hoped it would go....

RevScottDeMangeMD said...

@Jason...that's what I meant. If Xavier wins today, they are in no matter what. But if they lose, they might not make (probably not). Notre Dame, win or lose, is in and that's just bullshit.

note: I hate Xavier...but I am an A-10 homer.

Shums said...

Thanks again Jason. The Mountain West is in that nebulous not-Midwest-but-not-Pacific-Coast part of the country that most national sportswriters studiously pretend doesn't exist. It's unfortunate because it's a very competitive league. The biggest thing about it is that it is nigh impossible to win on the road. Every team's home court is formidable (BYU hasn't lost at home in 31 games, Air Force hadn't lost at home for 31 until BYU beat them, New Mexico's Pit is legendary, Utah's Huntsman Center is never easy, etc). A road win in the MWC over a good team means something. I don't know that I'd go so far as to rank the MWC over the MVC team-for-team, but at the top they're certainly comparable.

And I wouldn't want the MWC getting too much bigger. We tried that already with the ridiculously bloated old WAC. That was so awful that it led to the formation of the MWC in the first place. Nine or ten (adding Boise State) would be fine, but no more.

Thanks for letting me indulge myself. You may now proceed with not caring.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

God I love ESPN 360.

Sheldiz said...

ditto futurelegend.

and now its 22-2 hoyas.

ruh roh.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

24-2, how did Georgetown lose to Duke?

Sheldiz said...

more importantly, how did texas lose to nova?

Big D said...

Hmmm... Willis McGahee to Balto for 3 low-round draft picks... Seems like a bargain, even if he's going to carp about a new deal for the next 18 months.

Looks like Corey Dillon will be staying in the AFC East after all.

ToddTheJackass said...

Did someone drug Scottie Reynolds? That kid was playing out of his mind. Maybe this is his regression back to the norm.

G-Town's defense is sweet though.

Sheldiz said...

shhh... i'm not giving up the dream.

this is making my wildcat heart hurt.

Big D said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big D said...

By the way... I totally forgot that I stil had access to ESPN360. Thank you FLVY.

Of course, I could always just use my backup plan.

Sheldiz said...

apparently we're shooting (or rather, not shooting) for the fewest points in a half in the big east tourney...

...current record holder is Georgetown (14). stupid irony.

Big D said...

@ sheldiz:

A) Where the hell you been?

B) No thoughts about your Ravens grabbing McGahee? For that matter.. where's mikepcfl on this one too?

Sheldiz said...

a) had some family stuff that involved dressing up and being sad. but nothing cheers up the sheldiz family quite like college basketball.

b) i haven't formulated my response on McGahee yet, but i'm very glad we are no longer in possesion of Jamal Lewis.

Brian in Oxford said...

If Terps fans can warn us to fear the turtle, can Wildcat fans ask us to fear the pussy? ick! But hey, a free throw brings it under 20. 37-18.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

Michigan 20 Minnesota 16 with 6 seconds left in the half. What a snooze fest.

Sheldiz said...

brian -- yes, that phrase has happened. we're not proud of it, but its out there.

since i'm a terp by birth and a wildcat by diploma, i can use both fear-based phrases.


futurelegendvinceyoung said...

Now a musical interlude

CMFost said...

damn nova might be playing it way out of the tourney. Down 19 at half.

Sheldiz said...

cmfost -- that is not the kind of optimisim i need right now!!

CMFost said...

sorry hopefully they will make it close in the 2nd half and get them selves in the dance

ToddTheJackass said...

As long as Nova doesn't lose by more than 25, they're in. Even then, it's to a good G-Town team. 'Nova's got nothing to worry about.

Well... except for looking completely inept right now.

Big D said...

This makes me happy... live blogging a college basketball game, from my office, while listening to three fo the best college basketball guys in the country.

Damn, technology is amazing. Of course, in about 10 minutes, I actually have to do work.

Brian in Oxford said...

Nova is in,'re getting a bit paranoid between them and BC!

Sheldiz said...

i mentally checked out of work at about 12:01.

i hope no one is charting my productivity between now and april 2nd.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

D what are you going to do next thursday and friday?

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

D what are you going to do next thursday and friday?

Big D said...

'Nova is most likely in, today's game not withstanding. Remember - they're not supposed to beat the #8 team in the country. If they can make it close - say, 10-12 points by the time the clok reads triple-zero, they'll be fine.

Remember - half the selection commitee just looks at records and score differentials, not the entire game film.

Now, if they manage to come back and win this thing (hold for laughter...) they're a mortal lock for the tourney.

BC, however, needs one more win in the ACC tourney to lock up their spot.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

Nice play there. Hopefully Nova does not expend to much energy making a comeback because that could bite them in the ass later in the 2nd half

Sheldiz said...

I think 'nova is pretty much in either way.... but if we get shellacked today, it could be interesting come selection sunday.

CMFost said...

Ok, So what is the over/under on the number of posts monday after all the selctions are out? I think I would set the number at 150

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

I think it needs to be about 200. Today Dan is going to get over 150 posts so selection Sunday is going to be redonk

Big D said...

Falling back to the NFL for a second... is it just me, or have there been an inordinate number of starting or platooning runningbacks moving around this offseason?

Jamal Lewis, Willis McGahee, Ahman Green, Corey Dillon, Tatum Bell, Thomas Jones, Travis Henry. Domanic Rhodes is still out there, and Fred Taylor re-upped in Jax.

Just seems like a lot of movement for one week. Not to mention, it's going ot wreak havoc on fantasy drafts next year.

Sheldiz said...

a) i'm betting high and saying 312. mostly b/c dan will say something about florida and then someone else will compare duke to notre dame.

b) nice use of "redonk", futurelegend.

Big D said...

Is 'Nova on a 16-2 run right now? WTF is going on here?

Mega said...

Uh oh, Nova coming back?

Sheldiz said...

(sidebar -- does anyone know where the VU/GU game is on on TV right now? i'm watching it on the computer, but if for some reason it gets good... i may have to take a field trip)

ToddTheJackass said...

If BC doesn't make the tourney, I'll be good for at least 40 whiner posts.

But pending a huge breakdown tomorrow, (even a loss shouldn't kill us), we're in.

I know on TV they might not have looked great, but they played pretty well on most of the non-televised games.

Look at the SOS, and the conference rank. No way someone with 10 wins from the #1 ranked conference doesn't get in.

Mega said...

Big D, in most fantasy football leagues I play in, having 2 really good RB's usually means you win. With the clusterfuck of NFL RB's moving and hitting the market this offseason, I feel more and more NFL teams are going to the 2 back system.

Which makes it difficult for everyone who doesn't get lucky enough to draft LJ, LT, or a few of the other "premier" backs.

Big D said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big D said...

Wow... Brent Musberger calling a U of Michigan athletic event? Well now I've seen everything...

Sheldiz said...

i saw that, big d.

Brian in Oxford said...

Is Brent working with Lavin? I think they're a good pairing.

Simmons mentioned that Gus Johnson lost his sweet sixteen spot to James Brown this year with CBS. That sucks.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

50-33 I think that is the ball game nice effort early in the 2nd half by Nova but G'town has to many horses.

Big D said...

OK, off to do real work. Catch up with all of you tonight or tomorrow.

Brian in Oxford said...

I like the use of the term "media timeout" so that TV guys don't feel guilty about causing the stoppage.

Sheldiz said...

well... its slightly less embarassing now.

ToddTheJackass said...

Xavier is definitely in. It's whether or not UMASS wins the A-10 tourney that's the question. If they can't, UMASS is most definitely out.

'Nova is fine. They won't lose by 20, so this game won't hurt them. What seed they'll be, you got me there. 8 seed sound about right?

Sheldiz said...

i was thinking 8 or 9. but we'll see how the rest of the big east shakes out.

CMFost said...

The thing that can hurt the BC's and the Nova's in the world is when a team that is not a bubble team wins there conference and the best team and that league was a lock to get in. Like Umass winning the A-10 giving them 2 ncaa bids from the division instead of 1.

ToddTheJackass said...

But compare BC or Nova to other bubble teams (I don't think either are on the bubble), and there's just no contest.

You can't take Clemson or FSU over BC in the ACC (and arguably Virginia), Stanford's RPI isn't in BC's stratosphere, nor is Texas Tech's, or Syracuse or Michigan (real bubble teams).

I'm sorry, but BC isn't a bubble team right now. Neither is 'Nova.

ToddTheJackass said...

BC also has a win @ UMASS, so if UMASS wins the A-10, it arguably helps their cause.

Sheldiz said...

well this just got slightly more interesting.

Mega said...

Spirited effort by Nova.

Sheldiz said...

after that first half, i'll take only losing by 5.

time to mentally prepare for the MD game now.

CMFost said...

good second half by nova that should of definetly helped to punch there ticketed into the dance.

ToddTheJackass said...

Clemson fans are pretty pissed about the foul call that sent Thornton to the line. I didn't see it, did anyone here? Was it a good/bad call?

Sucks if they'd get screwed again (Duke clock malfunction)

CMFost said...

Todd I did not see but would not be surprised, the games are being played in florida.

Brian in Oxford said...

I was surprised, I thought the ACC tourney was always held in Greensboro. But I suppose it was at the MCI a few years ago, no?

CMFost said...

I think you are correct. I think it was at the MCI(now Verizon) 2 years ago.

CMFost said...

there actually going to move it around over the next couple of years.

2007 - Tampa, Fla.
2008 - Charlotte, N.C.
2009 - Atlanta, Ga.
2010 - Greensboro, N.C.
2011 - Greensboro, N.C.
2012 - Atlanta, Ga.
2013 - Greensboro, N.C.
2014 - Greensboro, N.C.
2015 - Greensboro, N.C.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

ACC tourney should always be in North Carolina. On occasion the MCI center is okay but it should always be in Greensboro

Brian in Oxford said...

No sign of the TD Garden, huh?

I know that Fenway was thinking of trying for the ACC baseball tourney, but clearly BC was just added so they'd have a 12th football school.

CMFost said...

Actually Brian one thing I did hear is the possiblity of having like a BC-Miami or BC-VT or BC-FSU football game at gillette to allow more people to go to the game which would be pretty cool. Since it is almost impossible to get tickets to those games. I guess the new field is making this possible.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

In NC you really have 2 distinct fan bases, State and UNC. Most of NC hates Duke because all of the students are from the north. Wake Forest is also a private school but they are not seen as having an obnoxious student body like Duke. Plus they have not had the consistent success like Duke.

Was reading how Clemson lost to FSU and was curious how big a deal it would have been if Duke had won in a similar fashion. Please talk amongst yourselves.

CMFost said...

If I had seen what happen to Clemson i would be in a better position to comment but my bet is the comments would be flying fast and furiosly if Duke won in that manner.

Brian in Oxford said...

Well, Atlanta only really benefits Georgia Tech. Tampa....was that announced before or after Miami joined the league? (Otherwise, only Fla. St. benefits, right?)

And what's really funny is that Tampa is a natural for South Florida....which doesn't seem like it'll EVER make the Big East tourney's top 12. Maybe USF will broker a secret deal to replace BC!

ToddTheJackass said...

Yeah, and it'd be awesome if they could play some of the bigger games, the Duke and UNC games, at TD Banknorth, but it probably won't happen. Here's what BC Athletic Director Gene DeFillipo had to say about it:

BC Director of Athletics Gene DeFilippo: There are certainly plusses and minuses for taking a basketball game from Conte Forum to the TD BankNorth Garden, but at this time, we do not plan to play any of our regular-season games away from Conte. Even though it might benefit us financially, it takes away the home-court advantage from our basketball players and causes an inconvenience for the students. We also sell luxury boxes in Conte Forum and those holding a box would not be excited about us playing downtown. So, for these reasons and more, we plan to stay on campus for our regular-season games... We have been aggressive in trying to bring the [ACC]tournament to Boston at some point in the future. We'll continue to try to garner support to get that done.

CMFost said...

All right guys I am out of here for the rest of the day. I actually have to go do some work and give a demo to a company so hopefully they buy my product. Talk to you all tomorrow.

ToddTheJackass said...

This is off-topic, but news worthy all the same. This is from David Wells in regard to his Africa hunting trip in the off-season:

"Ostrich was phenomenal. Warthog was outstanding. A little different taste, but it's really good," the San Diego Padres' left-hander said while recounting his trip. "Hardebeest, wildebeest, gazelle, all that stuff.

"Very, very tasty. It's just the zebra you don't want to eat. We shot them for bait. For lions."

Even a dik-dik, a furry little antelope, ended up on Wells' dinner plate after he "double-lunged it" from 30 yards with his bow.

"That was probably one of the best-eating things I had," he said. "It doesn't sound good. Cute little suckers, too."

Could you imagine how scary it would be to be animal having Lard Ass hunt you for food?