From Adam Solarz: "Hey Dan- Just thought I'd let you know that in the awful event that the Sox continue choking this thing away and the race is within a half game after Sunday, Detroit will come to US Cellular for a one game road trip. It's intirguing to think if Detroit will either have the "our playoffs" attitude or if Miggy will stuff his face with pizza, Granderson will have a family reunion, and Kyle Farnsworth will duplicate his legendary Wrigleyville parties.
"Also of note, if the Twins & Sox are tied after all 162, the White Sox won the coin flip for home-field in the one-game playoff (enormous considering the Twins are 7-1 against us in the HHH Dome and we are 7-2 against them at the Cell)."
Love the rapid-response.
-- D.S.
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